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About the desk

The Ombuds Desk is available to all Utrecht residents. If you aren’t satisfied with how the municipality handles your complaint. Or you don’t know how to handle the complaint in the first place? Let us know, and we will help you get started. We will listen to you and advise you on how to proceed. In short: we are there for you!




The Utrecht Ombuds Desk is impartial. You can contact us free of charge. If you have a complaint about the municipality, we will listen to you and give you advice. We are there for residents of Utrecht and entrepreneurs. 


Introducing the President

“Open, proactive and connecting, those are the words that immediately come to mind when talking about the Utrecht Ombuds Desk”, says chairperson Alma van Bommel. “The team and I are always on the raod, visiting the people of Utrecht. This way we can talk about their concerns regarding the city. I feel that a complaint can be an opportunity to improve contact between residents and the municipality.”

Especially for children

“Children do not have the same opportunities as adults have, to stand up for themselves,” says Jory Hoogendam, chair of the Utrecht Ombuds Desk for Children: “If you get stuck in your youth, you will carry it with you for the rest of your life. Therefore I find it important that children learn that they can always ask for help and that they are able to make a change themselves. Then that is an important lesson for he rest of your life. I believe in empowerment. I want to pass that on to the youth.”