We are there for you
The Utrecht Ombuds Desk is available to all residents. If you have filed a complaint at the municipality, but you are dissatisfied with the response. Or you don’t know how to handle a complaint. We will listen to you and advise you what to do. The Ombuds Desk is independent. If we see that a problem occurs frequently, we can take action. In short: we are there for you!
These are the chairpersons
The chair of the Utrecht Ombuds Desk is Alma van Bommel. Jory Hoogendam is the deputy chair and responsible for the children and young adults.

Children's Ombuds Desk
If you are concerned about something in your neighbourhood or at school, we think it is important that you are listened to. That is why there is the Children’s Ombuds Desk for children and young people who live in the city of Utrecht.

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I contact the Ombuds Desk free of charge?
Yes, the Ombuds Desk will handle your question free of charge.
Who can contact the Ombuds Desk?
We are there for all residents of Utrecht. Entrepreneurs in the city can also contact us. For youth there is the Children’s Ombuds Desk.
What can the Utrecht Ombuds Desk do for me?
If you don’t know where to go with your complaint about the municipality. Or if you feel the city has not dealt with your complaint properly. You can let us know. We will listen to you and give advice on how you can handle the problem best. In case we are not able to help you properly, we will always explain why.
When not to contact the Ombuds Desk ?
The Utrecht Ombuds Desk does not comment on political decisions. The city council makes decisions and is elected once every four years by the residents of Utrecht. Has a political decision been implemented and you have noticed that it has a negative impact on you? You can contact the municipality. Do you feel that the municipality is not listening to you? You can contact us.